Is my child the right age for AYSO soccer?
Children between the ages of 4 and 18 as of July 31 of the year in which the fall season begins can play AYSO soccer. To find out what division your player is in, see chart below or consult the official AYSO Age Guide.
My child does not meet the minimum age range for the AYSO Fall season, but he/she is very [big/strong/athletic/coordinated] for his/her age. Can we still sign up for the upcoming Fall season? No. AYSO is a national organization with very strict guidelines regarding age requirements. AYSO’s accident and liability insurance depends on the players being the proper age to play and being placed in their age appropriate divisions. Children who do not meet the age requirement are not permitted to play. Be patient – they’ll grow up before you know it! In school, my child is with classmates who are [younger/older]. May my child “play down” in a younger division or “play up” in an older division to be on teams with kids with whom he/she goes to school?No. AYSO is a national organization that determines the player divisions based on birth dates. The AYSO “year” runs from August 1st through July 31st. AYSO’s accident and liability insurance depends on the players placed in their age appropriate divisions. Many children are in “different” divisions than their school classmates. We encourage you to view this as a positive experience – it will allow your child to broaden his/her relationships outside of school and enjoy making new friends. |