Frequently Asked QuestionsHave a question that's not on the list?
Email a question or contact somone on the Birch Run AYSO Board. What makes AYSO different? Our mission is to provide quality youth soccer programs where everyone builds positive character through participation in a safe, fun, family-oriented soccer environment. AYSO’s six philosophies separate us from the pack: (For More Information) Everyone Plays Children between the ages of 4 and 18 as of July 31 of the year in which the fall season begins can play AYSO soccer. To find out what division your player is in, see chart below or consult the official AYSO Age Guide.
My child does not meet the minimum age range for the AYSO Fall season, but he/she is very [big/strong/athletic/coordinated] for his/her age. Can we still sign up for the upcoming Fall season? No. AYSO is a national organization with very strict guidelines regarding age requirements. AYSO’s accident and liability insurance depends on the players being the proper age to play and being placed in their age appropriate divisions. Children who do not meet the age requirement are not permitted to play. Be patient – they’ll grow up before you know it! In school, my child is with classmates who are [younger/older]. May my child “play down” in a younger division or “play up” in an older division to be on teams with kids with whom he/she goes to school?No. AYSO is a national organization that determines the player divisions based on birth dates. The AYSO “year” runs from August 1st through July 31st. AYSO’s accident and liability insurance depends on the players placed in their age appropriate divisions. Many children are in “different” divisions than their school classmates. We encourage you to view this as a positive experience – it will allow your child to broaden his/her relationships outside of school and enjoy making new friends. How do I register my player?You can go to to register your player. Either sign up as a returning player or create a new account for a new player. Do I have to pay by credit card? Credit card is the preferred method for paying registration fees online. However, if you need to pay via check or money order, please contact our Regional Commissioner for assistance. How much does it cost to sign up? A full season (fall and spring) for all divisions is $70.00 Sibling discount: $10 off each subsequent child's fee What is your refund policy? If requested before the posted registration deadline, a full refund will be provided. After the registration deadline, no refunds are given with the exception of players moving 30 or more miles away or players with injuries preventing participation. All refund requests due to relocation or injury are reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the Regional Commissioner, Treasurer and a third Board member. Refunds are not provided for players who sign up for a full season and then decide not to play in the spring. What is the registration deadline? The registration deadline for fall 2015/spring 2016 is July 31, 2015. Please note that a $20 per player late fee will be charged for registrations received after the posted cutoff through August 7. How do I know what team my player is on? You should receive an email or phone call from your coach about two weeks prior to the season start advising team number and practice dates. When is the soccer season? Birch Run AYSO plays in the fall and in the spring - typically starting in September beginning the Saturday after school starts, and in mid-April. Seasons last four to five weeks, and eight games are scheduled for each team in each season. For U5 - U10 divisions, games are played Monday through Thursday at 6 p.m., and on Saturday mornings. For U12 and U14 divisions, schedules are done separately by the AYSO area coaches, since those divisions travel and play teams from other cities. Additional info on soccer scheduling is provided here. What equipment is needed? Shin guards (mandatory during practice and games), Soccer shoes with/without cleats, Soccer Ball, Uniform (Games Only), and water. Shin Guards (Selecting the correct size.)
With Cleats: Make sure they don't have a spike near the toe, like baseball cleats do. Without Cleats: Regular athletic shoes with no cleats are the alternative. Soccer Ball & Sizes: Size 3 for U5 - U8 Size 4 for U10 - U12 Size 5 for U14 and older. What should I bring to my child’s practices and games? Uniforms - Players should wear their blue/gold jersey - either new or used from a previous season is fine - dark-colored shorts or athletic pants, soccer socks, and shoes. Also, bringing a well rested, well hydrated, nutritionally balanced child with a positive attitude and willingness to learn is highly recommended! Why are the children required to wear their soccer socks over their shin guards? Safety is the primary reason. Some types of shin guards are hard shell instead of soft, and may have sharp edges that could cut a player. By wearing their socks over the shin guards, players protect each other. Also, wearing the socks over the shin guards prevent the shin guards from shifting during running or when being kicked, which allow the shin guards to protect the areas they are supposed to. Is it OK for players to wear jewelry during practice and game? No. Jewelry of any kind (necklaces, watches, earrings, rings, bracelets, etc.) cannot be worn during practice or games. There is an exception for Med-Alert bracelets, but they must be completely covered with tape or a soft cloth band for the safety of your child and all the other players. What about eyeglasses and hearing aids? Glasses, hearing aids, and med-alerts may be worn to practices and games. The use of an eyeglass holder/strap or sports-glasses is recommended. As stated above, Med-Alerts must be completely covered with tape or a soft cloth band as a safety measure. What kinds of hair accessories are acceptable? Any hair accessories should not be made of metal or plastic, and should not be rigid. Soft hair accessories such as “scrunchies” and soft rubber bands are recommended and acceptable. It can be cold for some games. Can my child wear a sweatshirt during the games? Any extra articles of clothing must be worn under the uniform (so you can still determine which team a player is associated with). It is recommended that any extra articles of clothing be limited to undershirts or turtle necks (under the uniform). Try to coordinate with your team’s colors if possible. Any extra articles cannot have any zippers or any plastic/metal components of any kind. The doctor said that my child can play with his arm splint. Will AYSO allow him/her to play? No. While the doctor may be representing your son’s interest appropriately, the risk to other players mandates that he limit his participation to that of moral support on the sidelines. Players may not wear casts or splints which could possibly cause injury to himself/herself or another player. NO EXCEPTIONS. This applies at the games as well as at practices. What is the duration of the games? For the younger divisions, the games take about 45 minutes to 1 hour to complete. For the older divisions, the games take about 1.5 hours to complete. 1) Games shall be two equal halves, not to exceed the following maximum durations.
2) Half-Time periods shall be a minimum of five and a maximum of ten minutes as designated by the referee How do I know where my soccer field is? All practices & games are played at the soccer fields at the Birch Run Park or at the Arbella Twp Park in Burt, MI. The map below shows specific field locations. Field numbers are also listed on the goals. Note that for U12 and U14 divisions, half of the games are played at home and half are at other AYSO Area G locations. For maps and more information, visit the Area G website. All Fields How do I know if my game is cancelled due to weather conditions? Coaches are instructed to make the call on whether or not to play at the field at game time, so it's always best to show up at the field if you're scheduled to play. Weather can be different at the field than it is where coaches reside (we have coaches who live in Birch Run and the surrounding areas). Coaches should not call or email parents to cancel games due to weather. If it's raining, games still take place. The only conditions we don't play in are thunder and lightning, or if the coaches feel the players' safety is at risk (hail, sloppy field conditions, etc). If a game is stopped mid-way because of weather, the coaches will decide on whether or not to reschedule based on how much of the game has been played. If you have questions regarding a rescheduled game, contact your coach.. Have a question for us to add to the FAQs? Let us know. |